New eating habits

Holy hell! I’m at 35 days and I’m eating like I’m storing up for winter. Hurricane mathew will be here tomorrow and I’m going through my next few days of food (that I bought and made specifically for the storm). Luckily I’m always over stocked but I really am eating to the point of my stomach hurting. 3 days of this stomach ache and I don’t know how to stop! Ahhh!

PS… did I mention I’m at 35 DAYS!!! :slight_smile:


Please stay safe over there, check in with us if you can so we know you are okay.
We can’t control the weather, but we can control our mind.
Btw, I have been eating a handful of chocolate kisses a day, probably not helping me lose any weight…but they are delicious and help put off cravings of alcohol lol


I will. Thanks! I just hope the storm doesn’t circle back around and hit us again after tomorrow! I totally agree with chocolate helping. I was eating M&Ms like crazy the first few weeks. Definitely helps!

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You can’t not overeat with homemade Italian Food! Prepare for the worst & will all pray for ya.