New Here and sober

Hello everyone,

My name is Teejay and I’m new here. I have 97 days sober after drinking everyday for over 6 years. The rehab facility I was in had a Covid breakout and I left about a week or two before my discharge date. It saddens me because I haven’t received any chips but I did receive a $5,000 bill. Lol

Congratulations to everyone on your sobriety journey!


Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your 97 days! Sad about the chips! Maybe you can send them a letter that says, “No payment until I get my sobriety chips!” :laughing:


Welcome Thelma and congratulations on your 97 days. This sober community has been very instrumental in my sobriety. I participate a lot and I stay sober.

Have a good read around and join in when your comfortable.


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: that’s funny I may have to use that.

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Welcome to the app teejay

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Welcome! This app has been super helpful for me so far!

This is so awesome. Congratulations on your sobriety. Keep it simple and keep it basic. Communication is so important. It seems like you have a really good attitude and good sense of humor. You got this :grinning: