New Member Saying Hi. Scared Of Relapsing

Appreciate it. I think I’m finally so sick of having to relearn the same lesson and restart that I won’t turn back this time.

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Thanks all for your support. Happy to say good morning on day three. While I’m understandably tired and feel my body going through recovering physically I mentally feel great and know I’ll be good soon.


My hardship was passing by the liquor store. Or Not runng back out to it. It got easier to the point where I don’t even notice it anymore. One step at a time. One victory at a time.

Wow, our stories are so similar. I’m 34 and have been drinking since I was 14. damn it’s been 20 years, whoa. I didnt even realize it til I just typed it out. Ugh. Well these last 5 years I’ve been trying to get sober and got 8 months under my belt and relapsed.

So how long have you been sober again now?

Good Morning. Day Four. Started feeling tremendously better already as of yesterday. Very happy. Ready to keep it going permanently. One day at a time.


Hello and welcome :slight_smile:

Starting day 2.

Good. You can do it.

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Good Morning. Day Five. Doing Great. But not taking it for granted. In the past around a week to two weeks has been a relapse point. Will not allow it this time.