New on here! Day#32 sober


Helllo!!! My name is Ashley I’m 32years old. Currently i am in a residential program for my second time for alcoholism. I guess i thought i was that one person who is the “acception” get it right the first time, and I’m golden, good to go. Yeah… i found out shortly that a of glass of wine is just never going to happen and not in my cards. I started my heavy drinking in 2012. I was drinking a handle of jack Daniels myself. I reached two handles. (Fully capable of walking, talking, and functioning) 7days a week. it was fun till it wasn’t. i had to drink just to survive. My body wouldn’t function without it. It was if i was drunk if i didn’t drink. I got fatty liver disease, gastritis, GERD & in and out of the hospital as if it was my second home. I got pancreatitis 3 times. Till the next step was diabetes and then cirrhosis of the liver. Which from there is no turning back. Thanks to my higher power, GOD, gave me another chance. I am forever throwing in the towel and taking my life back and went back to Rehab Jan 10th to commit 100 percent. I have hurt the ones who love me the most, and i am ready to start a new book and new journey in my sobriety. Day 32 woooh!


Welcome Ashley. My name is Jim, I am 185 days sober. I had my share of slip ups. We are all different psth yet it’s the same journey. You are in the right place here. You CAN do this! We ALL got your back. Read and post as needed. Gain knowledge and wisdom for those folks who have been here and in your shoes. Again welcome, I hope you get as much out of the forums as I do.