New Temptations

So one of my “friends” just called me asking if I can “hangout” tonight and I’m trying not to use again. I really need some support…

Is it really a friend? Suggest something where u can’t use, and if they r really a friend, they will. If it is just a using-companion, then be strong and walk away. Do something at home. Ur sobriety is most important. U can do it!

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You’re here and you’re not alone. Hang with us Laura. Stay clean. We got you if you let us. They are not your friends indeed. Addiction wants you back in its claws. You want to stay clean. That’s why you’re here. Stay here with us.

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I’m really trying to stay clean. That’s why I posted this. It’s not easy.

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Does your friend know your sober?

you know that voice in your head that’s in the background trying to tell you not to and you don’t really want to. Listen to it bc that’s you winning. Everything else is bull shit.

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Easy is hanging out with your ‘friends’ and using. Yes. Easy but good for nothing. Staying clean isn’t easy to begin with. But you know what you want and why. Being clean and sober is worth having, very much so. It takes work. You’re working on it right now, right here. You’re doing good. Keep going.

Is this I’ve of the friends who had your cooking their dinner etc, if so then please tell them to kindly go fuck themselves. Pardon my french but your bio says all you need to know. With friends like those who needs enemies! :+1::slightly_smiling_face: