New to App & decided to get sober

I am starting a new journey to cleaner living. I’ve decided to get sober. It’s Day one and so far it’s ok. I’m worried about week one. Always the hardest.
But I’m here for a reason and the reason is my son.
I don’t want him to have to worry about his mom.
Glad to join this app and hopefully I’ll have more support here than I do now.


Welcome Foxy. This is a great sober community for support. Have a good read around. Join in when you’re comfortable. If you got any questions just ask. We were all new once.
One day at a time.
Just for today.
Don’t worry about the week. All we got is today.


Thank you so much. I am reading and seeing lots of good things. I’m excited for this adventure :heart:


I try to start every day off on the gratitude thread. I got so much to be grateful for when I’m sober. Great bunch of people on that thread. And all the threads. It’s such an easy exercise to do and it’s been my most powerful tool in my recovery.

I’ll save you a seat.


HI Foxy welcome🙋‍♀️
Plenty of support here I assure you!
Happy for you that you made the desicion for a better life for you and your son.
Do not try to worry about week one, but focus on today. It a bit of a cliche sentense maybe and you will hear that one here a lot. Why? Because it works :blush:
Today is douable. And if those 24 houres of today is too much to see trough because of the cravings. Focus on 1 hour, ore 5 minutes.
Cravings will come and go, but they won’t kill you. Find distraction by active activaties like walking, working out, clean your house, gardening, etc.
I would suggest to read this thread:What's YOUR plan? It gives you a lot of good information about stages of recovery and how to work with them.
Connection is key in recovery, so be here much! It really helps you.
Maybe considering checking in here daily? It helped me loads with staying focussed on “the job” to stay sober for 24 hours. Just checked in this morning. Feel free to join!

See you around and if you have any questions just ask!
I know this app can be a bit overwhelming at the beginning…it’s soooo big! :blush:


Thank you for the kinds words and the info, I’m still learning how to navigate around this and go to different threads. I appreciate it. I do plan on checking daily.


You will find your way :blush: We all do.
I’m Dutch where you from? Looks like we are in the same timezone? Ore are you up late?


Thank you :blush: I’m sure I will. And very cool. No im from Texas. I’m up late. As usual. :woman_facepalming: insomnia gets the best of me sometimes


Early sobiaty doesn’t help with your sleep patern eather :blush: So maybe it will be better if you have more sober days. In the beginning of my sobriaty I slept very bad too, but I sleep like a baby now :sweat_smile:
Early morning here: 7:18, going to get dressed now. I hope you have some rest!
See you later Foxy! :raising_hand_woman:


:laughing: that’s always the way. lol and good to know, thank you. I’m going to try. Hope you have a good day :blush:


I raised my family in Austin for 36 years. It was a great town. In California now. My son is in Dallas.


Very nice I been to Austin. I’m from southeast Texas. Well I grew up in Texas/louisiana, then moved back to Texas and been here bout 15 years since then.


You’ll get plenty of support here. Don’t worry about week one, or two or three. Just worry about right now, that’s all you can control. Honestly in the beginning sometimes it’s one minute at a time. But it’s a lot less daunting then worrying about not drinking somewhere 2 months from now. It will get easier I promise.
Welcome to the community :v:


Welcome to the forum Foxy! Glad ur here with us! My son is my biggest motivation to stay clean and sober also. Ive learned sooo much from others on here. Hope u will too!

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Thank you for the welcome and yes, my son is my reason to fight

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Welcome Foxy!!

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Glad to have you hear on the boards. :high_brightness: Come here daily and soak it all in, it helps reading others post. Can’t wait to see your success!! :grin:


Congratulations! And welcome! :blush: I think you will find this app to be extremely supportive, motivating, and comforting on your good days and bad days. It really shows how none of us are alone. There’s a lot of courage and strength in what you’re doing by just being here. So, kudos! They say the first week is the hardest, but in my opinion taking the first step is sometimes the really hard part and you’ve already done that. Wishing you the best, odaat :people_hugging:

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Thank you so much, it really has been inspiring to read others. And thank you for the warm welcome.
Doing my best one day at a time. :people_hugging: