New to this app!

Thank you, @Monkey. I appreciate it!

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Hi Michelle! Welcome to you as well! :cherry_blossom::lotus::heartbeat:

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Hello! Yes! So much positivity and support. Made it through the weekend and weekends are the hardest.


Thank you! :+1::slightly_smiling_face::v:

Thanks @HolySquid :octopus::octopus::octopus::grinning:

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Thanks for the kind words @Soberbilly
And sorry for the delayed response, I wanted to give my full attention. It’s been an up and down few days but I’m confident to reach one week tomorrow AF. As of right now this is the only group that I have joined. I’m abstaining from environments where alcohol is served and sticking to my sober friends for support for now to start. I’m staying focused on work which really helps as I am in a creative field that allows me to be myself and gives the flexibility to be gentle on myself in these first few steps of recovery and to rest when needed. Also I have been reminding myself daily of the reasons to quit and they far out way all of the reasons to keep drinking. I’m also trying to quit smoking tobacco eventually but I decided not to quit all vices at the same time because I don’t think I can handle giving up all of my stress relieving habits all at once. Having a little weed rolled in a joint along with a few cigarettes has been a substitute for when I have the hard alcohol cravings but I know that that can’t go one too long before I’m sick of that routine. One thing at a time lol!