Looks like you need to edit your preferences
Click your icon in the top right
Sry i couldnt find it either. But i could probably help you
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
I currently know how to do the following things:
@discobot start {name-of-tutorial}
Starts an interactive tutorial just for you, in a personal message.
can be one of:tutorial, advanced tutorial
@discobot roll 2d6
3, 6
@discobot quote
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. — Albert Einstein
@discobot fortune
You may rely on it
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
I currently know how to do the following things:
@discobot start {name-of-tutorial}
Starts an interactive tutorial just for you, in a personal message.
can be one of:tutorial, advanced tutorial
@discobot roll 2d6
3, 6
@discobot quote
Genuine sincerity opens people’s hearts, while manipulation causes them to close. — Daisaku Ikeda
@discobot fortune
You may rely on it
Concentrate and ask again
7, 20
34, 92, 47, 85