New Year Resolutions?

What’s your New Year’s Resolution?
My resolution is to stay sober, save money, and continually improve upon myself everyday.


When I have tried to quit in the past, I have grand thoughts that I’m doing it for my kids or my husband and I’ll get a promotion in the new year because I will somehow have the “go” in me. Well this time, I’m doing this all for myself and so far it has been A LOT easier! So my resolution this year is to save the money from booze and buy nice things for me and the kids


Get me back to me. That means getting back in the gym and eating healthy again. I stopped all that when I started drinking again


Mine is to learn all about me again. I feel like this sober person that’s in me, I don’t know very well. I love being sober but I’m still learning to be present in this world without liquor. So my New Years resolution is to learn me and lose some of this beer weight that I gained :joy:.


To find balance, to commit to recovery in everyway


To not overwelm myself with lists of “should and have-tos”. What brings me happiness? (sobriety, laughter with family and sober friends, being creative, enjoying a book, dinner and a movie at home, taking nature walks, etc etc etc) Yes, I will do more of these things that make my soul smile.


Stay sober and figure how to have fun in this new life. 12 days today, starting to feel some of that natural happiness that’s been gone so long.


On New Year’s Day I will be 21 days sober. My resolution is to continue on this path and reach that elusive 30 day mark then keep going. I’ll earn my first chip on Jan 10th. I also wish to take care of my body and get in better shape. I’d also like to reinvent this new sober me as It’s been over 24 years since I’ve known true sobriety.


I’m right there with you!

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I’d like to get my fight back. I want to be a better person all around and not use boozing and parting as a solution or an award. Instead I’d like to spend quality time with my family doing something healthy.