Newbie here. Help with sleep needed

Thank you​:blush: I’ve had a really good sleep so feeling much more positive about this :+1:


Yes, the tea and the tablet x

I am in the same boat sister with drinking wine every night to make myself fall asleep and stop the anxiety. I agree with others on the downward spiral of how it just makes the anxiety worse. I am day 2 night now, and my anxiety was BAD today… I had a really hard time falling asleep, but I finally did. Of course now it is 3AM my time, and I have woken up and can’t go back to sleep. When I was trying to get off alcohol before, I took melatonin supplements to help with my sleep. The only thing I didn’t like about it was I did feel pretty groggy the next day and a lot of times I would wake up in the middle of the night and have a hard time turning my brain back off when I did. I have heard they can be addictive, but I don’t know for sure on that. I do remember reading that they aren’t good long term, so I stopped taking them after I had issues with it. Since I had gotten used to the habit of drinking something to calm my anxiety, I tried loose leaf teas at night, lavender and chamomile is a good one. I guess psychologically it tricks your brain into calming itself since it is used to being calmed by drinking wine. I do find that all of it feels nearly impossible to do when you don’t have the support around you to not drink. My partner regularly buys booze and wine, so it’s been a struggle for me, but I am determined this time which is why I went out and downloaded sobriety apps like this one. There is so much support here of others going through the same! I think if you just keep coming to the forums and reading and talking to others, that may even help ease your anxiety too :slight_smile:

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Thank you :blush: my partner luckily doesn’t drink at all so that makes it easier. He also worked a night shift last night and that’s when I’m particularly anxious when it’s just me n kids at night but I did it! Slept like a dead person and didn’t want to wake up. :clap: You sound like you are on the right side of beating this too xx


Brilliant Laura things will only get better. Hope you have a productive day and our proud of yourself. Happy sober Tuesday x

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For me that’s the only thing that worked. If I didnt I wouldnt have been sober off the needle or heroin.

Thank you! Have a great day too :kissing_heart:

Can I ask how many you take?

If you go the OTC med route:

I’ve taken Benadryl and it has the opposite affect on me… I start to feel a little wired and jumpy. It even made me feel anxious the next day, so pay attention to how it makes you feel. Some argue Unisom (another OTC antihistamine/sleep aid) is stronger, but I didn’t think so. If nothing else works and/or your desperate you might try it (take half at first). When you buy it make sure it’s actually Unisom (doxylamine succinate) and not Benadryl (diphenhydramine).

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First off I have taken sleep meds my whole life from prescribed to over the counter ex. Xanax(anti anexity med), melatonin everything. So my tolerance is higher. Both my psychologist and primary agreed that I take 3 a night and if I still cant sleep I take additional 2. I know someone who can take .5 of one and go to sleep. Consult with a doctor if you’re unsure but always start small.

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Thank you for your advice :+1::blush:

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Had a wobble earlier and stood over my purse wanting to go get a bottle… pushed it out my mind. Now sat with a chocolate muffin and cup of tea. Lots of little battles u have to fight every day. This feels like it’s going to be exhausting.