Newbie wanting to say Hi 😀

Hi Darren,

I’ve accessed an alcohol service previously, it mainly one to one support but at the time was aim was to cut down and not stop. I’m involved with mental health services though and have my first appointment next week :+1:


Hi and welcome. I lost everything through my addiction and so pleased your here reaching out for help before its to late 4 u . I don’t mean to frighten u but that’s what can happen if we don’t fight this illness. So pleased your getting help I really do recommend to read loads on here and try aa meetings they are a great way to meet soba friends and have people around us to help with recovery x good luck x


Welcome Sian. You’re in a great place. The wonderful people on this app have helped me to stay clean and sober for 117 days. There’s a lot of great information on here and I suggest you read, read and read some more. Be sure to check in daily with us, here’s the link Checking in daily to help maintain focus #6
Here’s a link with great stuff New for 2020? Start here!


Welcome Sian,
I’m a 12 day newby as of tonight. I’m glad I found this app and the people here are very supportive. Good job reaching out. One day at a time. It works and your worth it. Keep coming back. :pray::heart:


Welcome, I know how your feeling , but I’m going to tell you …you can’t do it alone, try to attend AA meetings and read the big book ’ Alcoholic Anonymous’ it’s really saved me and now I’ve been sober 3 months🙂, also don’t be afraid to reach out here . You are doing this for yourself and loved ones …let that be your motivation.


Good u here! Its shows u really want to choose something else… its never too late! Also my suggestion is to getting familiar with aa.
There is a lot of guidance and the fellowship never judge u! Its all about helping each other , and u will see u not alone in this!
Use the tools thats been givin, and make small goals! We need little victories and u already got one to speak up on this app!


Meetings make it easier did for me wish you well


Hi Sian, welcome to this wonderful place. Good choice to become sober. It’s definitely the best way of living. It’s hard but a day at a time we will get there :pray:t2: looking forward to seeing you around xx

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Newbie here myself. Going on 8 days. Welcome! You’re not alone. :heart:


Be proud of yourself. Past behavior is in the past. You are working on the now which will be so positive for your future. You child of 7 years will be able to see you as STRONG and not out-of-control and confusing. Good for you!


I’m exactly the same, I mean sometimes I can drink in moderation but before I start drinking I can never predict how I will be, like Friday, I had a few drinks with friends, then decided to get a bottle of wine, once I finished that I found a bottle of vodka and started drinking it neat. I literally don’t remember anything else, then to cope with the guilt the following day I drank again to block it out :grimacing:


Welcome. Like you, was a functioning alcoholic for 20 years & quit cold after things got worse. I read here daily and great pieces of advice I often see that have helped me in my 3 month journey: Your decision to stop drinking is a permanent one. There are dark days but it gets easier. Eat sugar and fats without restraint for a while-your body needs them to help alcohol cravings. You will experience physical changes (digestion, headaches etc) that are alarming at first, but eventually subside. Make a list of the good things you are experiencing - read and add to it daily. Keep really busy… CONGRATULATIONS, you’re on an awesome path!


3 days is great, it is the start of your new life, you’ve already learnt that moderation does not work and that’s usually the beginning of something special. Most people think they want to quit then down the road we decide that maybe we will be OK now. This will never happen for people like you and me. its a nonsense. A lie we fall for over and over until one day something turns the light on in our heart and our head. Come back here anytime day or night, you will never have to do this alone. These people on here are 1% of what keeps me sober. 1% I hear you ask, Well yes because you must want to give up 100% and as soon as you think you will have a drink or if anyone else wants their drug of choice then you are not on 100%. That means there is a chance you might relapse and these guys and gals will pick you up and put you back on top, it’s the most important 1% your ever gonna need, it’s the difference between life and death. So well done again and Be strong.


I’m the same


Good luck hun; I hope you dig deep and fight it with everything you’ve got…:hugs::four_leaf_clover:


Well I’ve made it to one week :raised_hands: to be honest I’ve woke up feeling really positive as this time last week I was waking up with a major hangover, with no memory of what happened. The feelings of remorse, guilt and paranoia killed in, do I feel better than that this morning? hell yeah!! :+1: thanks for all the support this week :grinning::grinning:


Addiction is a progressive deseise,even if we feel we have a handle on it we don’t,welcome ,I hope you stick around to give yourself a chance,you deserve it


Congrats on 20 days.

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daisy that is amazing sweet.xxxx

Well done :+1::+1::+1: Amazing :wink: