Newly sober and new to app

Just recently admitted that I have a problem with pain pills and its been going on the last 8 years. I finally had it slape in the face the day my husband left with my 3 little girls. This has been the hardest thing I’ve had to go though in a while and the fact that I know I can get them right now its a text msg away


Hi Shaya, welcome to the forum. I’ve only been here five days myself, but found it to be a wonderfully supportive environment with like-minded strugglers.

Have a read through some of the positive stories on here and it will show you everyone has hope and a future. We’re all here for you. :slight_smile:

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Thank you I really appreciate it :blush:

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Welcome Shaya. that is quite a reality check. Sounds like a great time to use all the resourses you can to clean. In/out patient, AA, smart, woman in recovery. Talk to your Dr. Read everything you can on your DOC. Do you want to quit? What have you tried? What do you use as a support system? In order to quit you need to change everything. Delete numbers, change friends, work on yourself… Everything or nothing will get better. Glad you came here. Lots of good advice. Keep reading and posting you can do this.


Welcome Shaya! I had many of the same thoughts as @Zoesgram1, you can do this! You are worth it.

After my last dust up and drunk I had my kids taken by DCS and placed in foster care. That was over 6 months ago. As hard as it can be/seem now is the time to do something. I’d recommend IOP group therapy, individual counseling and AA/NA or SMART recovery.

We get better 1 day at a time and it don’t come easy so work the ever loving hell out of it. Welcome to the forum, a place with sober people doing sober things and enjoying a sober lifestyle

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It will be much better to hold off on that text. You have alot of detoxing your going to have to deal with and you will rather do it alone. Once you start feeling better and wanting to be around people you can make the text. First you need to work on you… goodluck i hope you beat this! Do you have any detox plan with suboxone or other drugs or doing this cold turkey?

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Thank you! Everyday has been a struggle so far but my kids are with everyone min of it

Cold turkey so far

The bond between child and parent is one of the strongest motivators for success.

Make sure to drink plenty of water…taking a vitamin supplement (i took emergen-c) help you get vitamins your body wont be getting while u have a poor appetite. A probiotic pill can help with the loose stools. I followed this for about 2 months. Then most symptoms were gone but it still wasnt over as for the mental part. Stay strong! Its going to be rough but you can do it!

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