Next attempt at sobriety

I’m not proud to admit this. However, I have a bad habit of relapsing. I’ve been going to meetings for a year. About 7 a week. I have a good sponsor. I stay away from my old haunts.
How do I make this next attempt stick. Thoughts would be appreciated.

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Did your sponsor guide you on to steps the program is a good foundation for going forward only a suggestion best of luck

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We claim progress, not perfection.

Be kind to yourself, first and foremost. Then ask yourself what you are going to do differently this time. Take a look, with your sponsor, at what prompted you to relapse this time, and the time before. Address areas in your recovery where you may need additional support - spiritual? Emotional? Physical? Are you doing TOO MUCH and need to step away from something so that you have some time for yourself to not get burnt out?

Big hugs. Looking for root causes can be exhausting and daunting but I hope that it helps you to stay grounded in your recovery long-term.

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Thanks I appreciate the encouragement.