Next steps?

Few months ago I wrote a post where i asked people if moderation was possible. I did fine over 3 months, just drinking couple of drinks in very few occasions. This friday was work party and i ended Up calling my partner at 4 am because y didnt know where i was as i took the wrong bus home. Feeling extremly ashamed i spend the day with heavy vomiting.
Today i attended my first AA meeting( my partner has been attending over 2 years)
I have come to realised i have a problem and IS not going to get better, but worse, so no alcohol IS the only option.
Wish me luck!


Welcome back!
Glad to hear you’ve accepted moderation is not an option and you’re surrendering. I had a hard time accepting too but we all get there at our own pace.

I’ve been working the AA program for 5 years and it’s substantially changed my life for the better. Hope you have the same results.

Wishing you the best on your journey!


First step is acknowledging alcohol is a problem. One step at a time.


Welcome back. Attending AA MEETINGS can help you stay sober and be educated on alcoholism. I am glad you are here with us.


Good for you to find out now rather than later. Happy getting to it! :mechanical_arm: Here are some Resources for our recovery Surround yourself w recovery and learn and engage w yourself and others on this path as much as you can. You can do this. All the best!


Welcome back, @Pantx89, sorry to read you went through some anxiety-inducing experiences last Friday.

I think you’ve come to the right conclusion and, with your partner on the same journey, I see no reason why you couldn’t be very successful in abstinence. I am cheering you on! :clap:


Welcome back. It is a harsh realization when we realize that we can’t moderate and do have a problem with alcohol. The only way to handle this is to make a clean break. Glad you have good support at home and with AA.

This community is full of support and great advice. Take your time to read around and join us when you are ready. I find the Checking in daily to maintain focus #72 thread is a wonderful space to check in daily and stay accountable. Helps to connect with fellow members here too.

Remember to take it one moment at a time and the withdrawals do get easier to handle. Just keep pushing forward :muscle:t4:.


No luck needed just put in the effort and the rewards will be surprising wish you well