Day 12 of being alcohol free. I can’t remember the last time I went more than two days. I’m married with kids and am the only one I know with an abuse problem, which really makes me feel I’m all on my own in this. While my wife should have left me long ago, she has stuck it out and deserves a sober husband. I don’t think she can comprehend the struggle so I’ll just not try to explain. As long as I can pass by the the convenient store every day, I will beat it.
Stay strong! Have you thought about AA? You’ll meet plenty of people there with similar problems.
I’ve looked for groups in the past with no luck. My wife doesn’t drink and we don’t go out much so between that and my social anxiety I figure I’ll just avoid anywhere with alcohol.
Stick to your choice , try avoid alcohol . U cant do more than your best. Do what you can stay focused .end your bad habbits. One day at the time. If you are willing you can have a sober life. And everyone will benefit from it. It starts within
Kinda the same situation. I had family members that would drink but never as much as I would. I found myself trying to escape them at get togethers just to find a bar or way to drink. Its obvious looking back on it i had a problem but I never thought of it like that then. Stay on here and we can keep you motivated. Got your back bro.