No clue about this, but trying it out!

Hey y’all. I’m new to this and to recovery. I started to get clean in December 2022, and have been and stayed clean for 1 month and 9 or 10 days. I’m so proud of myself!:heart:


Hello and welcome, glad to have you with us, read lots, reach out when your struggling and keep posting and keep us up to date with your journey. Your not alone in this. One day at a time.


Thank you so much :blush:

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Welcome to the community- congratulations on your sober time.
So much support, advice and love here- read through the threads and join in when comfortable. You are among friends.


Welcome! This place saved my life. Be active here, it will help you on your journey.

Relapse is a choice, stat sober!


Welcome Jenni
Congratulations on your 1 month and change clean. Have a good read around and join in when your comfortable.
Here’s a great thread to start with.

I hope to see you around.
Love the gray gentleman/lady on the avatar. I got one just like him/her


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