No control

My name is Whitney and I have struggled with alcohol abuse for years.

I have gotten to the point where when I drink I don’t stop until I black out.

This happens multiple times a week. I can’t go more than a day without a drink.

I need to stop. I need to do this for myself.

Thank you all for sharing your stories.

Much love.


You can do it Whitney. All you have to do is make that commitment within yourself and truly want to get better. I’m not saying it will be an easy journey, but mind over matter.



I think the biggest challenge in getting where we want to be is the journey. That is what choosing not to drink is, and why it can seem, at times, like a bridge too far.

You’ll read and hear the phrase “a day at a time”. These are incredibly powerful words. Embrace them. Seek help if you need it, there is NO shame. Come here for love and support…so many fantastic people on these forums to share and start your journey with.

It DOES get easier. You CAN do it.


Hang in there u r in the right place and you will kick this!!! X

Hang in there. I have the same problem here and starting today. Together we can do It.

I also would drink until blacked out, 5-6 days a week. Glad I found this group. Never had much of a support system before. Never admitted my problem to anyone before recently either. We can do it!