No Facebook , no messenger,

I think it’s great if you are giving it up…but for me I’ve actually met some amazing friends through social media that I only know online (we met through a mommy group). I could never give them up. They are a sort of lifeline for me. But I DO regularly clean up my FB and remove friend and leave groups etc. Sometimes it can get toxic and my mental health can suffer from it.

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I guess it’s like drinking. Some people can facebook like “normal people”. Me, I got sucked right in. I tried giving it up for Lent two years in a row. Great day when I ditched it for good. Never looked back, and now I don’t miss it at all. I’m too verbose for twitter, and instagram is too picturey for me. I really don’t need to see hundreds of pictures with duck lips and how awesome lunch looks.


Bwahahaha, I can’t even deal with that yet. I probably should though, save the ranting for meetings where people actually care


It’s helpful to at least cut ties with drinking/drugging friends…

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I quit Facebook 5 years ago best decision I ever made. I’ve also recently quit instagram and twitter. I am no longer on any social media and I have found it very liberating. They are time wasters. I rather me on the sober time app!


I still use Facebook, but I’m not connected with one single person there. I use it for news, traffic information and to stay updated with animal activists :slightly_smiling_face:

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Quit fb the year I created it in 2010 or earlier. It is such a great time killer. I don’t use Instagram or Twitter either. Instagram is so delusional. People fake their lives so much these days.

Anways I still use whatsapp to stay connected with people I know personally.

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I think smartphones are like fire: a faithful servant and a fearful master.

I couldn’t function in my job without one. Really they are great for quick access to information. My daughter asked me to take her to a store. I had no idea where it was, or when it closed. Boom…everything I needed was found in under a minute.

My daughter is a digital native with no concept of not being constantly connected electronically. I used the occasion of helping her with a paper to show her how we did it, back in the day. Library. Card catalog. Check out dead tree books. Search the index. Use 3x5 note cards.
After it was done, she said “the new way is easier, but the old way is better”. When I asked her why the old way was better she basically said that she learned more about the subject she studied because she was more actively engaged. She thought because using the web and search tools was easier and faster, she didn’t learn as much. I was happy with this exercise.

I think for me, I reached the same conclusion regarding relationships, as my daughter did on her paper. The new way (social media ) is easier, but the old way (active, person to person) is better. It’s better because it takes more work.

But I do try to unplug regularly. Go a day without it here and there. Go places where there’s no internet. Remind myself there was a time in my adult life when I actually functioned quite effectively, without instant connectivity.


139 days off all social media… fuck lol


you are so right!

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LOL…You got that right about mail delivery here in Maine! I could tell you nightmares! :joy:

I tried deleting the FB and Instagram apps off my android (samsung) phone but couldn’t completely get rid of them, just back to factory settings? It bugs me they are still there. Same for you or is there a way to completely remove them?

Awesome! @Robin

Very encouraging…thank you!

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I love how you put that about Instagram how people "fake " their lives! I was stating else where that even though I am happy for my loved ones who post all the wonderful things happening in their lives…cause let’s face it…who is gonna post the shitty days?..It often depresses me more when I am struggling so hard to function and breathe every day.

LOL…pictures with duck lips :joy:…that’s awesome :joy:
So true!

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ok thanks, I’ll try that on my phone now.
Yeah I have only logged off FB, afraid to even deactivate and don’t want to delete for the same reason…photos and tons of important family events that would take too much to record or copy elsewhere. Plus our business page is on there which I will need to access from time to time to update…so I’m guessing I’ll do that just from my computer. Lol…actually thinking out loud…anyway…thanks…this has all been very helpful!

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I wish I had found that first article about the minds being highjacked BEFORE I logged out of everything, especially FB cause now that I’ve read it I’m dying to SHARE it with EVERYONE!!!
But I’m just not going to do it. It’s so sad but true what he said that so often mankind can come up with the greatest ideas…as the “Like” button was originally intended to be…without realizing the potential negative consequences until further down the road often after damage has been done. Part of our imperfect human experience we just have to learn from sadly.

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I quit for new years and quit drinking too. Don’t miss either

Ughh, I’ll probably give up Facebook when they pry it from my cold dead hands. I actually did deactivate it for around 3 years but activated it again when I started dating my ex so I could see pictures etc and still have it long after the relationship ended.

I treat my Facebook like an alter-ego. I almost never post anything of substance and generally keep it to satirical posts about society. I probably spend more time on this app than any other parts of the interwebs