No Fap battle begins

Hi. I’m new here. All I know is that I’m done fapping.I don’t really know how this thing works. Will someone please volunteer to get me started?


Welcome Penguin! You’ve started on an important path. You’ll find lots of support and understanding here - as well as honest advice :innocent:

I’ve added you to the private thread for men recovering from sex / porn / masturbation / love addictions. You’ll find lots of relevant experience and advice there - looking forward to seeing you!


Omg I didn’t really expect anyone to reply. Thanks Matt. I hope I can bring about a change in myself.

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Oh absolutely. You are 100% not alone.

You’ll find it helpful to read from evidence-based sources as you work your recovery. There are thousands of books, videos, blogs, etc etc, about recovery from masturbation/porn habits, and there’s a wide range of philosophies: some are spiritual/philosophical, some are more grounded in psychology of addiction recovery. Keep an open mind and remember that you need to find a path that works for you.

Neal put a valuable list of links together here:

I would also encourage you to review some of the writings and interviews of Patrick Carnes, who has a deep understanding of the psychological & self-concept issues behind “acting out” sexually (including through masturbation to pornography):

You are not alone brother. One day at a time :innocent:


If you search the board here you’ll find several threads directly related to our addiction.

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@Matt I just can’t thank you enough. You’ve been so kind and welcoming. Thank you. I certainly am not alone.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Thanks again!

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