Not a happy bunny

I was going through a selling/ buying an apartment process and everything collapsed couple of days ago costing me thousands… Not to mention shattered dreams… I’m trying to look for positives and move forward with this. That’s why you haven’t seen much of me lately. I know these things happen, shit happens to good people etc. On a positive note, I went out socialising 2 days in a row, I was surrounded by drunk people breathing beer in my face, i had 0 temptation. Alcohol seems alien to me. However, I’m staying very mindful and still working through my recovery like writing a journal and working on recognizing potential triggers. Since going sober I went through some major changes in life and continued with sobriety… Thanks to this forum!


Hey, don’t drag me into this! Just kidding. Just my bad sense of humor with a play with words.

I can definitely tell you bad things happen to good people (This guy). Other side of things good things happen to good people also! I guess it’s my old age and experience talking now. Just stay positive and weather the storm. I know in the past I would dwell on the bad things, but I would just brush off all the positive things that happen around me (this guy). Good things are just suppose to happen!

Stay strong and awesome, your an inspiration to a lot of people!


Hey stop dragging yourself into this! :slight_smile: (hehe) cheers for encouragements! This experience provided me with an opportunity to learn some valuable lessons.

I had a house move lined up, new-build in Greenwich (pre-boom so it’s probably worth a triillion pounds now). I had a ton of freelance work ready to jump on. At the very last minute my buyers pulled out without any warning and were really insulting to add to it.
Grinds on me even now but there’s fa you can do!