Not easy to control PMO

You have to take it one day at a time. Don’t worry about the future - it hasn’t happened. Your time is the present.

Change is uncomfortable. Get used to it, and welcome it. The more you practice being content with being uncomfortable, the better you’ll do.

The more you say that your body is pulling you to porn, the more power you give away. You are making the choices, not your body. Don’t surrender your power. Instead, be assertive.

Try a recovery program. These give support and community- it helps:

I have found counselling has also helped me. My wife and I go and it is helpful for resolving emotional intimacy issues - which has been behind the physical issues.

Another helpful thing for many is meditation. The Insight Timer app is a good one.

And learning about the trafficking and exploitation in porn helps too. Porn uses people and spits them out to use the next person. Being paid doesn’t make a difference; it’s an industry that exploits the vulnerable and leaves them:

Take care and don’t give up.