Not feeling great

Thats another fail of trying to kick the drink, cant seem to get off this long road


What are you willing to do to get sober?


I felt like that for 22 years. 3 years into a 25 year drinking career, I knew I had a problem…and nothing I tried seemed to work. Problem was…i never changed…it wasnt until I changed everything about my life that I stayed sober…


I have been trying to stop the past ten years i am a really bad problem drinker. I have tried everything aa meetings but i just dont seem tk have the willpower to stop my self from rwaching for the bottle.

Recovery is a very personal journey

And the very first step is an intensely individual experience. Some folks, including me, will describe a conversion experience, some will recognize a sudden and deep realization of the consequences to their inmost self, others have had such an experience but cannot give voice to it.

For 18 years I knew I was an alcoholic and I should quit and wanted to want to quit. For maybe 10 years I wanted to stop having consequences, I kind of wanted to quit but really wanted to drink without a price. And for 2 years I desperately wanted to stop and knew I could not, not on my own.

I had my experience, returned to AA and counseling and Antabuse. I am sober today, I love being sober today.

Blessings on your house, @Steviefoster. :pray:


I’m the same. I’m newly sober again. Try LifeRing meetings or smart recovery if you don’t like AA meetings. It’s tough at the start. I’m only 20 days sober and I’m having good and bad days. But it’s gotten a lot better recently. Try alternatives because what you’ve been doing the past 10 years doesn’t seem to be working :smiley: Good luck


The aa meetings are good its not them thats the problem its me. I really try to keep on the straight but when i get borex or lonley and stressed i drink cause it passes the time and gives me a social life but its got to the point now where thats not the life i want and am really struggling to sort my self out. I am trying to make chages in my life witch are getting me down but its just harder than i imagined. I have my 4 year old son everyweekend and i dont touch a drop but as soon as he goes home and am lonley it starts all over again x