Not your typical addiction

Hi I’m 15 from Alaska and I don’t use this app for a typical addiction to drugs or drinking. I have an exhortation disorder (dermatillomania/trichotillomania) that causes me to uncontrollably pull my hair out and pick my skin till it’s a bloody mess. I’ve has this everyday for the past four years.
I’m wondering if anyone else here is suffering from the same disorder and using this app.
So thankful for the community here!


My dear young one, I am very familiar with Trich. What you are going through in a way is far worse than anyone on here because you didn’t CHOOSE this. You don’t feed the need to pull on purpose, your brain does it against your will.

Let me explain it to you this way- it would be like me doing everything I can NOT to drink but then someone comes along and forcibly without my will injects alcohol into my veins or pours it down my throat. The same is true of you. There are ways to minimize this, but you won’t find it on this forum.

There are support groups and forums for Trichotillomania my dear. Its important you go there where others can emotionally sympathize with your struggle. You have enough on your plate to subject yourself to the posts of others with self inflicted addictions.



I’m so glad you found @Naturehippy so quickly and you get the love and support you deserve.

You need to be helping as many people as possible with your kindness and great choice of words which flow right out of your heart to this 15 year old ray of sunshine. Keep seeking others and you will find the solace that you need.

Both of you.


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@Naturehippy THAT was fantastic…thank you for writing such a beautifully written note with such compassion and truth.

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@SoberSteph you always make me feel so good! Im not used to people reacting to what I have to say like it holds so much creditably- I can’t thank you enough for making me feel welcome and a part of something that means so much to me. Many many mahalos

I meant every word. A lot of us will never have to deal with what your dealing with, and at such a young age. Feel free to message me and I’ll try to find the trich info. Last I knew, which was a while ago, they have a yearly convention! Your not alone. All of my love and aloha. <3

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Oh, I’m not the one dealing with trich…I complimented one of your posts.

Either way, whoever is, its a very difficult thing to have to deal with and love, support, acceptance, and encouragement is a must. Instead of starving the addiction they’ll need to feed the self acceptance. Avoiding stress is HUGE.

Try these forums. There is more now than before and encourage your friend to do the same. =) Oh… and stay away from DRUGS so you don’t have to be on this forum lol.


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Just saw these, your so kind! I have joined a few other forms for derma/trich but I’ll check out this one too. This app helps me count days I don’t pick or pull, which honestly my Max is only 3 so far.
It’s hard not living in an accepting family.
Again, thank you so much for the kind words, I really appreciate it <3

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