Now Where To

I’m not sure what happened to today but I did what I did anyways. Left my home, my parents, and family only to not know where I am heading to now. I just know I didn’t leave to turn back. I just want a better life that’s all. I just want to succeed somewhere in my life and do it all by myself. Wish me good luck…

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Where are you going, and why did you leave home … anything particular happend? Its not my business but i got to ask … dont answer if u dont want to. I want you to be safe and not drawn to something worse … i hope u can call someone. Worried

I hate PAWS! I am okay thank you for asking but I am going back home. I have two parents who love me and won’t give up on me. A family that cares to the moon and back and friends that just won’t leave my side no matter. Couldn’t be any more grearful than this you can say this thanksgiving. Surely blessed so far.

Good , family are important . I know many guys out there are not having that. I do hope it will work out for you . Love and willingness is powerring. Stay sober stay focused

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