Obsession is real!

Pushing through one minute at a time.


Sometimes one minute at a time is what we have to do! Can you find something to distract yourself? Maybe watch a movie, do a workout or call a friend? It always helps me to push through cravings when I keep myself busy! You can do it! :muscle:

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I go to lots of meetings. Step work. Church. 6 days a week in the gym. Prayer. Therapy. I’m doing quite a bit. Which makes it a little more scary. I have a long sobriety journey in and out. And its created this form of hopelessness I’ve never experienced. I’m not throwing in the towel yet though. Thanks for the support. Sometimes I feel so alone. How can one still obsess while doing so much to counteract that.


Do you guys know how I can get my picture on here instead of just my letter. Lol.

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This was asked the other day, this may help…

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ohhh i remember those obsessive thoughts! they’re the worst! hugs to you. :heart:

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That shit will pass. We only do this shit one day at a time. Hang in there

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Thats all we can do, Friend! Wishing you the best

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Got it thanks!

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Welcome! Keep going, one step at a time. It does get easier :pray:t2::two_hearts:

And it really is a minute sometimes! Having almost 90 days, my family and friends are under the delusion that I’m all better! I burst their bubble by telling them that this is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done and that I want to drink etc ALL THE TIME but know I can’t…

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I’m very happy I downloaded this app. I dont have any other social media. Which is a blessing. This is just enough for me to feel connected and have the support we all so desperately need.

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Thanks for the support Kim. Sometimes I feel like a nut because I’ve been obsessing so much. I’ve had 2 1/2 years before and it was a breeze. very little cravings/obsession. I’m just having a different experience this go around, and I’m just digging deep and pushing through. My home group is called the “No matter what club” and that’s how I’ve been living lately. I know the peace and freedom that will eventually come and the obsession will continue to lessen. Thank you for the support. Congrats on 90. One day for the real deal alcoholic/addict is a miracle.

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