Geeks Assemble! SciFi Thread

Yeah the death of both of them really hit me :frowning: I was just like “WTF why Leonard why did you die??? You can not just die like that!!!”


Favorite show as a kid was ‘Lost in Space’! I loved it - saw every episode. Had a crush on Judy.


Same here. How bout that green chick with the salad bowl on her head, who had a crush on Dr. Smith?


And I also had a “Major Matt Mason” action figure (doll) and a bunch of accessories.


Brother…I had him too! Was super bummed when the wire in his arms and legs that held the poses broke from metal fatigue. Had Billy Blastoff too, and when I was a bit older, Micronauts. When all the kids were raging for starwars figures, I was solidly Mego Star Trek action figures. Had the Enterprise bridge, all the major characters, the Klingon and the Gorn.


This reminds me of power rangers!

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Oh, many shows that i havent watched mentioned here, i know about them but never got to it and the list grows bigger and bigger :slight_smile:
Did anyone like reading fiction novels like Stanger in a strange world, Foundation(my super fav), Neuromancer(my fav) … So many good ones,

I’ve read every book Robert Heinlein ever wrote. Starship Troopers and Orphans of the Sky are my favs.

Also, I loved the Seafort Saga.And S.M. Sterlings Dies the Fire and Emberverse series.

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I read only Stranger in a strange world from him, they were all prolific writers and i hope i continue reading.
Isac Asimov Foundation series are amazing. What about Forever war, i felt quite sad trough it all, but really i wish i had the benefit of reading them in the time they were written for, somehow today everytging is watered down ( i dont know, just a feeling)

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The Foundation books are tied with two Ursula K. Le Guin books for my favorite sci-fi. I don’t have a huge list of sci-fi that I’ve read. I read a TON of fantasy.


You should check out Sterlings “DIes the Fire” and “Emberverse” series. More fantasy than sci-fi. I enjoyed them, especially the Nantucket series, because of my love of History. It’s about an event that throws the island 3500 years in the past, and how the people deal with Incas, Proto-celts, Babylonians. Hitites, Egyptians…all of the civilizations that existed at the time. Then in the Emberverse, it’s flipped. At the same moment modern Nantucket disappears, a 3500 year old Nantucket appears in the present, and all modern technology quits working. The world become Medievil in an instant.

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Got Dies the fire.
Last thing fantasy i read was Republic of thieves by Scot Lynch and i liked it, Gentleman bastards. Yeah.

Ok I thought I liked sci-fi but I am feeling like a newb. Contact, Interstellar – stuff like that – is that too mainstream? :joy:

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Are all those plots books in “The Change” series?

Haahahahah, nah man we just got into this, stevie has a lot of exp so i value his sugestions (i think @Yoda-Stevie is the Doctor or the Master :slight_smile: )

Man contact , i saw it in the theater as a kid it was awesome, never saw it again.You reminded me on The arrival !


You saw Contact as a kid. Yikes. Thanks, bruh. :rofl:

Yknow I love the genre, but so many things in the sci-fi category aren’t my cup of tea. I think I like sci-fi thay is more of the sense of humans plugging along in regular life, then shit takes a turn.

Ive tried Dr Who several times and can’t get past “purty good”.

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Expanse is amazing. Looks beautiful.


Is that on prime?

Its an amazing show The Expanse , i really liked it, Mars Rules :slight_smile: you have it on netflix


Yeah , i think about 10 yrs old .
Its a big world out there , no genre could be the only one for me, but sci fi is vwry special to me :slight_smile:

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