Ok so I’ve tried so many times can’t get past 4 days
Then I drink for 3/4 then go back and start again for 4 days and so on
Getting pretty tired now and I swear igs making me sick
I have to stop totally so I’ve said I’m gonna go the whole year without a drink
So new year new me is in full affect fingers crossed
I started day after Christmas. Same goal. Good luck.
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Today is my 3rd day 4 in 2 weeks!
My goal is to get through today and finally hit day 5. From there, one day at a time. Started meetings this time and it’s helping but the detox sucks. Support is what is helping this time
You can do this too! Stay strong and remember why you’re here! ️
Yes it’s always that day 3/4 then I go the rest of the week and then again 3/4 day 4 is the very testing of times