On Day One

I was reading through other stories and can’t wait until I reach the 30 day milestone and so on! I’m on day 1 so 30 days seems forever away!! If you have any advice or things that helped you I’d love to hear them?


Congrats on day 1! I am on 13 right now. I would recommend a list of alternate activities you can do to keep your mind off of things. For me it has helped tremendously to let others know and to celebrate days sober with them. Not anything big, just someone else knowing you’re working on yourself and giving you kudos when you go another day. On tough days, I spend a lot of time here reading stories.
Keep up the good work!


Congrats on your big step!!! My advice pretty the same be kind to yourself dont put yourself down…drink alot of water until you hear the water literally swiessss in your tummy!!! Get something that will keep you busy dont let your mind get bored and wander off to alcohol!!! Be strong you can do this!!! And pop in as many times as you can in the forum these people really help alot!!!


Thanks for the advice. Good ideas!

All great advice! This app is really going to help I think :slight_smile:

Thank I will try these things :slight_smile:

Congrats on day 1 awesome choice you have chosen @Ann stay positive, stay strong and belive you can do this . You have got some seriously great advices here .this forum are all supportive . Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

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Thank-you and I will :slight_smile:

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I’m on day 6. Congrats on day 1 and moving forward! Some of the things I do when I’m going through a craving or want to give in is I read or respond on this app, flush with water, crochet and keep myself busy, have a spa night all for me (foot soak with Epsom salts, a mask, some relaxing music, nail polish etc) or write in my journal which has helped me pinpoint triggers and common times I feel I need a drink or stress factors I can cut out. I hope this helps and keep up the good work!!