On my way to rehab

I flew to my mom’s house for Christmas and she shipped me off to cali for rehab. So I guess that’s where I’ll be for the next month. I’m about to get on my flight. Any thoughts, prayers, or positive vibes that you guys send my way are much appreciated


From what you shared on here, it sounds like you have been struggling with getting on top of your addictions.

I’m proud of you to take the leap to go to rehab.!

Just relax when you get there, your anxiety might elevate initially. Just breathe and think of how awesome you will be afterwards!

Also, don’t have any misconceptions or attitudes towards anything. Let your mind be a blank slate and take in everything fully.


All the best @Reese i hope the best for you we are all on the road to healing


wish you goodluck! - you can do this just stay positive.

Let us know how it goes?


Good luck! You’ll be fine and do great. It will be a kick start to your sobriety!

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Good luck chick, just think, this one Christmas in rehab will give you so many wonderful Christmases in future and you will be so glad you did it! Go girl!