Hi, I’m just wondering about the whole one day at a time thing, I can see how its helpful to think like that in a way, but don’t you also have to start saying ‘i don’t drink’ and make it a more permanent statement?
I haven’t been to AA so I don’t know how anything about their teaching.
Good answer can relate so much to that the future make me anxious, i think its better to take everyday as it comes
In the beginning it is so we keep it simple. I don’t have to worry about not drinking for the rest of my life, I just need to focus on getting through today without picking up Alcohol or Drugs. I wake up and make a commitment that no matter what happens today, I am not going to use. From there, through the twelve steps of AA it expands into other parts of our lives.
Walking meditation sounds interesting. I would describe myself similar with over thinking resulting in anxiety. Would love to figure out how to get off that bus once I’ve discovered I stepped on. But instead on the what if scenarios that cause the anxiety until I am bursting with it. I realize only just this moment that I am fortunate I didnt use alcohol to the point of losing a job, health or loved one to release that tension. I am afraid I am only a deep depression away…