One Day for One Year!

Congratulations on your year :sparkler:

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Thank you for the shoutout!

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Well done :facepunch:
A congratulation is in order :sunglasses:


Yay… congratulations, thats amazing

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Such an accomplishment!

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Gratefully following your footsteps @Laraellelarissa!


Thank you so much for the encouragement; you’re amazing!

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Awe…thank you so much @SoberWalker; you’ve been with me every step of my community journey. I am a SoberWalker too!!!

***You should put that name on a T-shirt

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Amazing, well done :clap:

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Thank you Kelly; I really appreciate it!

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Congrats on your year :tada: :trophy: :star2:

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Thank you :cat2::raising_hand_man:!!!

Awesome work Dexter! Huge congrats on a full year clean & sober! I hope you celebrate today because it is well earned.


Congratulations Dexter! Very inspiring! :partying_face::tada::clap:t2:

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@Mno I’m celebrating just like that cool cat!!!

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@Jesile I never imagined inspiring in the realm of Recovery; I’m humbled. Thank you so much!


Congratulations on a year of healing and thank you for always being such a positive presence here. Keep shining!

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@TrustyBird Emilie
Thank you for taking your time to send such a heartfelt message; your example falls upon an open mind. I appreciate You!

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Huge congratulations! Keep on!

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Thank you :heart:; I appreciate your encouragement!

Europe is DOPE! I lived in Aviano Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Rammstein Germany, Azores Portugal, & Zaragoza Spain as a US Serviceman.

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