One week no opiates

Hey guys, just coming back for another update on ending my sub taper. Hit the 7 day milestone this morning for the sub (55 days for my DOC! :grin:) and I gotta admit it’s been a rough morning. Rls and anxiety were intense when I got up around 4am but after a while I managed to get back to sleep til around 8 which doesn’t usually happen for me lately so that’s good I guess. Don’t want this post to come off as discouraging, I am doing OK just had gotten my hopes up a little that I’d be feeling better from one day to the next by now but tbh thats silly cuz at this point the sub is probably just about completely out of my system considering the tiny dose I ended on. Even if tomorrow is worse than today, I know it won’t last forever and it’s still not so bad I can’t push through it, so that’s what I’m gonna try to do! Hope everybody has a fantastic sober day!


You got this!! :fist:

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Keep pushing through!!!

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