One word on how you feel today #2 (Part 1)

Ready! That’s my one word for this day.



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-— Anxious

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High Vibin’ :star_struck:

I was doing some ‘parts work’ yesterday. It helped me a little bit take a new step forward. So basically you write down what you want to do (Mine was make business calls ) and then you write down why you don’t want to do it (like I was feeling so stuck and anxious to)…but you ask yourself questions such as what are you protecting me against.
So for me the side that was struggling with allowing me to move forward said things such as…you’ll get criticised if you do that and last time it made you upset and I don’t want you to be upset; you feel rejected when people say no so if I stop you from doing it then nobody can say no. You had an outburst and I want to protect you from people thinking badly of you; what if you fail, then you’ll be upset and you’re at risk of self harm etc etc.
You ask the protective side of it can accept that you want to move forward with what you’re wanting to do (business call). If it can’t then you ask what it needs and you keep going until the protective side agrees.
Then you give one side a left hand and the other your right hand.
You then hold your hands in front of you apart from each other palms facing together and move them slowly towards each other to hold your hands together and then rest them on your heart. Thank the protective side and well I cried for a while and all this stuff came up for me and then I was on the phone doing all my business calls I needed to make.

Thought I would share that with you. I hope things improve for you soon X


Stronger than earlier


Recharged :pray:

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Inspired. I hit 1 month sober yesterday!

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Blessed and happy :pray::heartbeat:

Me too but sober only two days but taking it one day at a time.

Better. Kind of relaxed.

Exhausted… From this neck brace.

Defeated. Day 17 not going the best for whatever reason.

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If you don’t drink or use, that’s a win. Days are gonna suck, but you can stay sober no matter what.

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Thanks. No drinking, just an off day. Tomorrow will be better.


Dangerously odd


I’m sorry you’re not doing good today. Some days are really bad I know that because I’m having one of those sort of feel lost and down really defeated day as well. These are the days where I feel like the devil has my hands and my mind could really use someone to talk to. And nobody really cares :cry: even though they say they do, I know this is the addiction talking. I know how you feel. If there’s anything you want to talk about I’m here to listen. If there’s anything you need to talk about I am here to listen. I hope and pray that you feel better tomorrow, and this evening. I know it’s hard sometimes to talk to somebody you don’t know but they say it’s easier on the internet because you don’t know the person on the other end. Just remember there’s others out here just like you, that feel the same way, Lost, alone, and searching for the right answers. It doesn’t matter if your a day, a week, 2 weeks, a month, a year, or even 5 years, because that’s what I am sober these days still come. The feeling defeat. Thank God its just a feeling that can you comes and go…