One word on how you feel today



Hell if I know but I find it extremely funny

Blessed. For my sobriety and my daughter

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Haha…my dog would be the one carrying it off. Kills me how the cats can make themselves airborne.

Motivated :facepunch:

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Anyone ever figure out why they are so freaked out by cucumbers? My cat is really old so I’d never try this on her, but my evil side wants to sooo bad! :rofl::rofl::smiling_imp:

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No idea… but cats are assholes and they get everything that comes to them :joy::rofl:

And so you know, I love cats, I relate to them


Feeling well.

Hoping today is a preview of what’s to come on the good/great days :heart_eyes: Even though I just got off a three day work stretch and feel a little tired - I feel both mentally and physically well. Going to relish in this moment.


Reflective and calm


Sober :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:


Most definitely am :slight_smile:

Im feeling Focused!


My friend I have found the longer I am sober the better it gets.

I am 62 well almost 63 have enjoyed sobriety for 28 years. Now 50 days clean on my gambling addiction. I was on top of the world. That is in “Down Under Australia”

How good is it going to be now…I say bonza…you little beauty…good on ya mate…Well you may not get that if you are not Audi.

But I say it is going to be great. …gr8…

Should have read.

You may not get that if you are not Ausi.

Predictive text and my old eyes are not good.


Working mornings again, with actual sleep and no hangovers. This sobriety thing is pretty rad.

I’m with you. I so desperately want to quit drinking. I am so terribly weak to the flesh and mind…
But let’s keep trying! Eventually it will click

Sleepy. Going to take a nap soon.

Anyone else work nights and live on days?


I definitely have a case of PAWS lately. My brain feels like a soggy swamp. It will be Day 90 on Saturday. 2 years for the brain to be back to normal they say. One day at a time. No cravings. Just eager to feel better, but eagerness can trigger anxiety which can lead me back to booze and that ain’t happening. I pray for self patience today and every day.

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C O N F U S E D !!!
Making a decision about a new job is excruciating!
Also eat so many sweets that normally I would not be able to consume in a whole year.
See…totally confused!


Sick :sneezing_face::mask::face_with_thermometer::face_vomiting: and I have to fill in more then 10 characters so: yes I’m tired and irritated too! :angry: