One word on how you feel today

Pained. This afternoon I started feeling suuuupper sore in my joints, got a headache and feel insanely nauseous. Pfft. Probably heading to bed for the night and it’s 6:17 pm lol. Super exciting Sunday!


Glad you checked in :yum:

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Alive! :heart_eyes:


Today… defeated.

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10 characters


Satisfied :blush:

Goodfellas. “F#%k you pay me”. Not sure if it’s the right attitude, but gotta be confident going into job interview.


Sick af. Haven’t been down like this in a LONG time. Pfft!


Get well soon.

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Fantastic! after my daily one hour cardio training

Sweaty. Sooo sweaty! And thankful for water and ibuprofen staying down. I feel like such a big baby, I hate being this sick!


That sucks. Hope you start feeling better soon!!

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Yeah defeated by work. Both the sous chef and I are really going through the mill. My head chef told me I had a bad attitude yesterday because, despite prepping and laying on a 22 item carvery for about 300 alone over the space of 4 days, I snapped when I was told “You haven’t done enough back up”. He was supposed to be helping me in the morning but he really didnt bar the two jobs which require literally waiting. I made it clear that “It would have been enough if id had had the help I needed to lay this out this morning” and pretty much lost it. Hot oiled trays being thrown about, cabbage all over the floor… I think theyre probably gonna replace me and if they do, itll be a bit of a relief because i’m being spread so thin that I cant physically do it. With all the training ive had over the years, no matter how efficient I try to be, I simply cannot do it alone. Even if they offered me more money, itd be pointless -it just isnt possible.

Meanwhile, the sous chef and I today had a grwat FOH team, everyone working perfectly and no problems. None at all! Its so frustrating when you know something is fundamentally wrong but theres nothing you can do about it.

So yeah. Defeated. I am getting to the point where I may leave this job because my sobriety is at stake and a job that questions my sobriety is something I cant commit to.


Thanks me too!

Lost. Unwilling. Powerless.

I atended a desintoxication and rehab clinic for three months last year, everything inside seemed logic and doable, and I was released a couple of days before Christmas. The truth is that I re-started use two days after, and haven’t been sober since.

Crystal Meth is the problem today. Before that I started 12 Step Program 4 years ago due cocaine and GHB abuse. In the past I was a regular user of MDMA and extasis. Occasionally crack, poppers, and ketamine.

I feel lost again. LOST


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