One word on how you feel today


Very Tired

Extremely tired

Easy one today…


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THANKFUL! Thankful that my good friend in recovery got himself back into rehab after his relapse. He surrounded by great medical care and counselors.




PROUD :relieved: I made it through day one :green_heart:



I feel thankful!

I feel sad. My Mom is gone. I know there is nothing I can do about it, but it is so fresh that I am just super sad. I am reading a book on grief because, frankly, I have lost a lot of people and an amazing pet in my life. It’s time to try to understand this so I can take the right steps to get through my grief and get on with life in time. I know that’s not one word; I’m sorry…


Lonely trying to fall asleep alone tonight. (Still recently new for me sigh)


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@CasperDog. Hopefully you find inspiration today to bring you out of your depressed state. Feel better; pulling for you!!! :smile:

Bored… nor having a job and absolutely $0 to my name i have so much idol time and it just scares me I’ve meditated gone for a walk applied to some jobs and then i just sit in front of the tv hopefully some positive changes are to come im going crazy


It’s a beautiful day, I woke up hangover free and I got no complaints.

Life is too legit to quit.


Angry. Really angry.

Trying to let it flow through and out.



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Ashamed. Relapsed last night.

Im sorry your hurting so badly. Im also sorry that the only real relief comes from time. After losing people close to us, our worlds are so altered that all we can focus on is the grief and loneliness we feel. I imagine also your feeling great sympathy for your mom that she has passed and for her at the time of her passing. To me that is always the most painful. Sometimes we can’t help but to dwell on it. I guess the best we can do for ourselves is to trust they are at peace now and time will help us accept they’re at peace. Its going to take time and only time will ease your pain. Be well Janny, I am sorry you feel so badly.


@funnydad Thank you. I actually starting reading a book on grief last night and it is already helping me tremendously, which sounds crazy but it is. Time is the only answer. I know that all too well from my brother passing. But, I had unfinished business with my brother so it was a very hard grief process. Although I miss my Mom and would do anything to talk to her and give her a kiss and a hug, I do believe this grief process is going to be a lot easier. I can already see the difference from when my brother passed and how I coped til now. I am sticking with my normal routine and if I feel like crying I do. But I am not crying or confining myself to my bed all day every day like I did when my brother passed. I think that is because me and my Mom were in a good place. We had a great relationship. There was nothing unsaid. I think that makes a big difference.