One word on how you feel today

I feel healthier

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vigorous and satisfied

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i feel calm :heart: iā€™ll start a yoga-session now (for relaxing and calming down after a long day at work). i even bought some incense sticks, i loved them in the past! have a cozy and calm evening friends

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Today I feel weak.


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authentic, real.

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Optimistic for the first time in a very long time.

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Grateful :slightly_smiling_face:

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Happy Birthday. Hope you are having a wonderful day!


U ok wats up.

Thank you!!! I feel like its my birthday today :slight_smile:

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today iā€™m pissed!
ugh friends, iā€™m so upset! makes me really wanna have a beer right now.
my co-worker who is a arrogant, self-opinionated and narcisstic as hell became promoted today :angry:
what the f? why do ppl. of this kind always seem to have so much luck?? i really donā€™t get it! i hope karma exists and she getā€™s her ass kicked.
okā€¦no beerā€¦but i got me some mussels. usually this meal is something very special to me, me and my dad used to eat this together in the past (heā€™s not dead but we had a bad fight soā€¦weā€™re not talking any more).
so i will have a damn delicious meal and get mussel-wasted.
thanks for reading my weirdo-stuff


Hey you stole my word! :smile:

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We can be optimistic together :wink:

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Empowered, heading into 4th day sober :smile:






Just was thinking why I canā€™t kick the habitā€¦Iā€™m better today!

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Glad to hear it. Keep strong my friend.

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