One word on how you feel today


Ok mostly just full. What an alternative!

Happy sober new year

Conflicted. A little scared. Overall hopeful though. New year, same me but I can see the world with different eyes. New year, fresh start, and a clean slate.

Loved :heart::heart:


Say what??? Congratulations

Confident . i feel so happy n content with myself and my recovery


Lol. I thought you were just dropping a bomb on us😜. I’m still glad you are ready for the gifts.

My word coming towards the end of day one: Anxious :persevere:

Uneasy. Have spent too much time in my head today…

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Driven!!! :wink:

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A little better thsnkyou. I’m hopefully getting my family back and a new home together. But it’s a bit touch and go at the minute. Not sure if I’m just being played. Only time will tell.
But Thank you for asking.
How are you doing.

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Are you ok

In a good way I hope.

Good my friend, let your actions do your talking for you. Life will take shape.

Glad you are feeling a bit better, keep going, get to the gym, get the shit out of your head on the punch bag.

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