One year anniversary

Holy shit. How did this happen?
A year ago I Layed on my friends hard wood floor with only a yoga mat and no pillow in an apartment that smelled like a disgusting cat litter box.
I layed there only sitting up to chug more alcohol. Everytime I was finished I would go across the street to the store to buy more. I would also use the bathroom, and then I would lay back down and keep drinking.
I didn’t shower, eat a thing, drink water or brush my teeth for 7 days.
I’m not sure what happened on that 7th day but I snapped and I decided I couldn’t just slowly die like that. Somehow I gave myself a 2nd Chance.
It has not been all sunshine and rainbows… it has been incredibly hard! I drank for so long to forget and then was continuously blacked out there is so much memory loss to my story, so now I’m sobriety those thoughts and memories of trauma have bubbles up and it hasn’t always been pleasant but my goodness I would take that any day over the former. I now shower everyday, have a doctor, therapist, my own beautiful comfy room that is a safe space, I eat more food than I can think about, I have enough money to pay my rent and buy things I want, I am taking my health into my own hands, i have friends that care about me, I have a crush on a guy ( something I didn’t think possible after my ex! )
I go to yoga, I go to the gym, I meditate! I hit meetings!
I’m sharper than ever. I remember things, I’m funny. I dress better now that I’m not a slob. I have clean clothes. I set boundaries with peiple. I stand up for myself.
I can barely believe it.
I’m not sure how I want to celebrate just yet. But definitely getting a piece of cake or something :slight_smile:


Shit yeah!


Enjoy your cake, and everything else :+1:


I think you need a new mug :wink:
Congratulations with your 1 year sober :tada::tada::tada: So happy for you!!


Congratulations with your 1 year of sobriety!
Thank you for sharing your story.


This is great to see. Well done you!
I’d say cake, nice big chocolate cake!


Holy hell, has it really been a year??!!! Get it!

This has definitely been a trying road for you. You have worked so hard, been in such uncomfortable situations, made tough decisions. And here you are! You journey so far has given me the strength to look at things from a different perspective and try new ways of coping and healing. I thank you for your honesty and courage.

Huge congrats!


Wowza!! So very very happy for you and your year!! I have followed along with your posts and you have worked so hard!! You have so much to ne proud of!! :heart::purple_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart:

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Congratulations! What an accomplishment.

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Amazing! Fantastic! Incredible. I’m so proud and happy for you!


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Congrats! What an amazing transformation!


This is amazing Congratulations!!! :metal:t2::tada::balloon:
I had to reset and I’m on day 9. Thank you for sharing, stories like these gives us hope that it’s possible because it is. As you said it isn’t easy , but possible. Keep strong :muscle:

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You’ve come a long way. So many things to be grateful for. Congratulations!

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