Only 2 days Sober. What is some advice youve heard or wish you would of when you started on this Journey?

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; those first few days when you get clean are absolutely rough. It’s frustrating because between all of the nasty withdrawal symptoms, you feel like you’re being punished for doing the right thing.

The good news is that it does get better. Just hang in there, and I’ve always like the advice of, ‘you only have to do this one time, and you’ll never have to go through it again if you don’t want to.’

2 days sober? Congrats! Let’s make it 5 and then a week. One foot in front of the other. You can do this. We’re all here for support. :sunny:


Oh congrats on your decision to make it to this side :heart: Life is better over here. I wish I could tell myself when I first started, listen to your body. Side effects? Drink water. Want coffee? Drink it. Sweets? Eat some candy. Tired? Sleep. Sleep some more. Stressed? Cry… It’s okay. Need to laugh? Watch a comedy with a good friend. I tried to fit everything into the"ideal" sober portrayal that normies make. No. My recovery self is unique and mine. As long as I’m sober and happy with my life, then I’m winning the battle! :heart: Big hugs :hugs:


@TudorDee, exactly! :wink:

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“I can think of a lot of bad reasons to go back to drinking but not one good one”. Hugs to ya Ashley. Thanks for being here.

Read books about sobriety, educate yourself about it.

One month is a hurdle, and you need to press thru it. By one month you are complacent, and feel like you’ve proved something.

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That post was so powerful to me on day 8, thank you for posting this! That my have saved my life!!!


Congratulations on closing one chapter and starting anew! I’m glad my words were helpful and were encouraging. Never for get your own strength and your worth.

You can do this…no matter how hard; WE can do this. If you ever want to chat please reach out. I may not get back right away, but I’ll get back, and will climb this mountain together!

You’re NEVER alone!

Thank you!

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