Opiate detox is taking forever

That’s totally true. I have had cravings from the day I stopped the first time. You just have to keep your mind strong. You’re a strong guy, keep it up pal you will beat this.

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I don’t feel like I best anything, yet. My stomach is still wierd. Stress is still a trigger. Had the most stressful day yet today, but plowed through it. City council meeting, interviews with media, it was a goddamn circus today. (Owning a business is ridiculous). But I wonder if I would have been as clear and articulate as I managed to be if I had tossed back some pills before hand to “calm my nerves”. I dunno? Probably not I guess. But it all worked out. I made it through the day. On to day 22 tomorrow!

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Day 22 here. Someone called me and I alllmoosstt caved and answered it. Thinking I’ve got 22 days, I can have a little treat. But, I managed to resist the urge. And I’m glad for it.
Hope you’re doing well!

Hey. Im also dealing with opiate addiction. Im going on day 9 and everyday seems to get better for me. I find taking a walk even if its around the block but I still miss the high.

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Kick ass on day nine. It’s a long road, but it is worth it. I’m halfway through day 36. It does get better

Sounds like you’re doing great! I miss the high too but have to keep telling myself that the reconnection I’ve made with things like friends and music (and honestly sex) are way way better. Day 23 now and still having to shout down junkie brain that’s like “maybe just get one…” I also look at the money counter on this app and remind myself of how rich I’m going to be lol
You’re doing great keep it up!

Hey group,
Over 10 yrs abusing Opiates and Heroin. No joke it’s the toughest habit I’ve tried to kick, Mentally & Physically. My longest clean time was like a week, Till now I have 9 days on a program though. Re-training our way of thinking is gonna be the hardest thing after all our physical issues. If I could have one day to do over, No doubt would be the day I blew out my back and was introduced to tabs… That changed any sane way of living for me. Absolute Hell…

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I’m sorry u are you going through this, but coming off opiates myself, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but u will get better. I had the same withdrawls, I thought I dying. Good luck to you and I am here if you ever need to talk.

Someone say something inspiring or some shit. Today is fucking bullshit. And I’m real real close to saying fuck this shit what’s the point.

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Today was a POS but it so pales in comparison to the pain of addiction. I damn sure know that feeding my addiction won’t help a single thing

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The only thing I could think to do was put my energy into cleaning lol so I’m manically vacuuming my house.

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Yeah well with drugs you don’t have to feel everything. Feeling sucks. How do people do this shit

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I’m in the music industry so I hear “selling out” bandied around more than the average joe or Jane probably. There’s something comfortable and safe about selling out though. My favorite quote is “be the hero of your own story” but Jesus Christ I’m not Hercules. Once more with feeling THIS IS BULLSHIT.

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Sorry guys I’ll make it. I’m too stubborn to give in, I’m just having a moment. It’s like the universe is piling as much crap onto me as possible just to see how long it’ll take me to break. I know I’ll feel better tomorrow. Though tomorrow will be another test I’m sure. One day at a time right? Fuck (sorry just felt like I hadn’t thrown enough curse words into this one)
Y’all help me to stay strong. Thanks.

I can get behind some Tool! “I sold my soul to make a record dipshit and you bought one”

"All you know about me is what I told ya"
It is a damn good song.

How do normal people deal when hangovers? This is the first time I’ve had some drinks since I quit the pills, and I feel like I’m going to regret it lol but I needed something to give and alcohol has never been an issue really. But idk if I know how to be hungover without pain killers. Maybe turn this hangover into a bender? And yes, I get it, I’m turning to substances which is bad. But so it goes.

Yeah I’ve had like four beers so I’m not getting nuts. And all that’s left is miller lite garbage and I’m not that hard up right now lol
Also side note slightly relative - Tool has an album called Opiate. (Now I’m on a Tool kick which is better than the sad sack shit I was listening to lol)

Are we getting technical now?!

I would argue that at 7 songs, Opiate is closer to an album than single. Too long to call it an EP? Salival had 8 tracks. But on the discography it is listed as a EP so I guess you win this round.