Opinion on Marijuana

If i want a new user and could post pictures i cod show my dr forms my.medical card so why keep judgong why does it bother u so mucj

Again right or not it’s a place wherw you should feel safe to talk and ask questions and not have insecure assholes judge

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Convenient cop out. Sounds like some shit I’d say when I was using.

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Can it be helpful, to some yes. I tried a CBD strain for pain, insomnia and my depression/anxiety but I found I started to rely on it to much and stepped away from it.

But I think this is a very, very touchy subjected that should only be treaded lightly on here as there are people who use this website as a means of support to stay away from the drug.


No i even just tried to put a picture of my animal on the pet thread and it says new users cant post but i do.t know u ur opion of me isnt what i asked for and ur opinion dosnt bother me.

I think you may find the subject touches close to the stories of many here. It comes from concern from where we’ve been in our own paths to getting sober, and not.

I always shied away from “hard drugs,” but in my own recovery from drinking, I tried a lot of things first that only made things worse.

Rather not see anyone else go through that. But it isn’t my path to judge or walk. Perhaps you will find success.


Ok I’ll take it down sorry

Sorry my last one was meant to be a joke. I know you can’t post pictures. Nor do I recommend sharing medical records online

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I kno i would tho to prove it im not a cop out ive worked my ass off to be where i am like i saod i should be dead by now and to be sober 857 days im happy and healthy tjays all that matters


I am very glad that you don’t have a needle hanging out of your arm and I am happy that you have been free from “hard drugs” for a couple of years. It’s not easy, I know first hand.

Asking for people’s opinions on a controversial topic when you are already convinced you are doing the right thing… why ask?


Ah no need to say sorry to be.
I’m on the fence about the whole thing. I’ve seen the good in it and I’ve seen the bad.
For some people it works wonders and puts them in a spot where they can comfortably live their lives and others, not so much.

My only concern is for the people on this site trying to stay away from the drug


Just because i wanted to know people’s opinions and that means sharing mine to

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So, my definition of sobriety is to live without mind altering drugs. Alcohol was my DOC and when I made the choice to be sober, I committed to not drinking or drugging, Marijuana included.

There was deeper reasons why I drank other than to “have a good time” and doing other drugs would prevent me from working on myself the way I need to. The way I see it, it’s just changing seats on the Titanic.


I agree 100% your the biggest person to disagree but answer i thank you for that

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Hi :blush::yellow_heart: The ADF classifies weed as a drug. Along side alcohol and other opioids ect. I also know it has been prescribed to help ease pain and recover appetite in certain patients. I am certainly not here to judge you or your recovery path. I am here to work on myself and my sobriety. We all go through our own journey here. Reaching out for others thoughts will always yield different opinions then our own. I’m my experience people usually respond to a post because they feel they can relate to it in some way, not out of malice. As far as medicinal marijuana that should be between you and your doctor. Not for us to discuss here :upside_down_face:. This thread can be very triggering for some people trying to abstain, especially if weed is their DOC. It always hurts to feel cornered, please try and bare in mind we are all fighting our own battles with addiction here. Perhaps adding a trigger warning to the thread would be helpful to some in the community. Wishing you nothing but the best in your recovery :yellow_heart:


I don’t have a negative opinion of people who use cannabis but nothing else.

The amount of risk and damage alcohol causes, is massive, versus cannabis’ low harm potential. Are they sober? No. But they’re making a way better choice if they substituted it for alcohol or other hard drugs.

That’s how some people get off hard drugs, and I respect them for at least improving.

If someone needs assistance getting off suboxone, I would imagine kratom would work, but I don’t recommend it.

I was mentally addicted to marijuana. So when i chose sobriety, i am choosing no self harm. No alcohol. No smoking (cigarettes or pot).
I am choosing to confront my addiction to any and all things. I am choosing to heal my inner child. I am Choosing to confront my traumas and fears.

I am choosing to build habits away from substances.
Get addicted to learning, a healthy life style, journaling, expressing myself creatively.

Choosing things that alter my mind, sure, but i build from those things. I grow from those things. i heal and create new ways of thinking and coping. I don’t want to have to rely on pot. I don’t want to be thinking, today was rough, i NEED to smoke to relax. That’s just a cop out in my opinion. I want to create new “escapes” that i can reach on my own with no external input.


Cannabis consumption leads to drug induced psychosis when done long and intensively enough. What more does anyone here need to know?

Yes, it’s a drug.
No, you’re not sober.
No, you’re also not working your recovery if you’re consuming another drug to repress your issues and “deal with life”. It’s the same story with a different cover. If you’re not ready to see that, you’re not ready. That doesn’t change the fact, it just makes you not ready. Or willing.

Work recovery, do therapy, connect with yourself, with others.


Closing this topic now because I think all opinions on this have been aired. Of course we are all entitled to our opinions and to ask others for them - but this topic has been covered extensively in the past and can be found by using the search bar :mag: so I’d suggest if anyone wants to read further they do that, rather than going over what for some people is a sensitive and difficult topic.

Another reminder of the forum rules for future reference.

And to repeat @Eke point above…