Other cravings (food/ sugar)

Starting out new over and over, but know that I’m going to make it, I have to. My question is, when I don’t have alcohol, all other cravings get really strong. Good food, or Diet Coke! Strong coffee. Do I let myself have those at first to get through?


Well you get to decide for yourself :heart: For myself, I definitely indulged my cravings for sweet things and enjoyed baking up a storm. I also indulged my craving for movement. I tackled the sugar monster after maybe a year and a half of sobriety. I say do what works for you.


During the first month of my sobriety, I craved sweets and I didn’t limit them either. I figured it was better than the alternative and just went with it.


Hi. Yes. I was told by people here your body craves the sugars when you first stop drinking and to not worry about it. I’m now 3+ months in and I’m not craving sugar as much … though I do indulge in food more now that I’m no longer drinking. I appreciate your raising the topic as it helps me learn too from people who have more experience.


I put honey on my hotdog today. This ain’t my first rodeo, eat the sweets you can work it off later. Oh yeah and bunch of ice cream today as well.


Actually, believe it or not, coffee can help your liver :grinning: :


Thanks for sharing this. I can’t get enough sugar since I quit. I’ve always had a sweet tooth but it is on overdrive. Glad to hear that may pass.

Found this article on sugar cravings after quitting alcohol. https://gogetsober.com/blogs/blog/what-to-do-about-sugar-cravings-when-you-stop-drinking

I say indulge anything other than the cravings for your DOC, early on. Once things even out, you can take stock.
For me, my diet is SO much better since I stopped drinking. I have a much better relationship with food. I eat more than I did before, and (after a few weeks of huge sugar cravings indulged by coffee and cake at around 5pm) I eat a lot healthier than I did before. I’ve lost about 10kg without feeling hungry at any point. Previously I would skip meals to allow me to drink without gaining (too much) weight. Not clever, on reflection.
Not drinking has given me the clarity of thought to sort a few things like this out. I love it. I have heard sobriety described as a gateway drug to personal well-being. I really see it this way.

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Really love this, thank you for sharing.

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