Over the hills and far away

I know i haven’t been here in a while and there’s a reason behind that…my mother passed away and it sent me for a loop…i completley fell apart, both mentally and emotionally. I let life take over and it beat me to pieces…i don’t know if i want sobriety but i know not being sober is getting the best of me…my relationship with my wife is crumbling, my kid is starting to hate me, I’m starting to hate me…this has all become overwhelming…too much to take…not sure why I’m writing this, not sure why I’m even on here, maybe because this is all i know, the only place i can run? I don’t know…i should have never let it get to me, i should have never let it win but i did and now I’m paying it’s price. If your new to sobriety or have been sober for years…stay sober…stay strong because what it costs in the long run to not be is not worth the price you pay with your soul!
Stay strong…stay sober…stay…you!


As always…sweet words from a very sweet person…this has been the most trying moment of my life @Oliverjava (angie) and i let it tear me apart…i didn’t know what to do so i reverted back to my old ways.
I know, not the right thing but i don’t deal with this kind of pressure well…actually I’ve never felt “this” kind of pressure before.
I know there’s a way out…a light at the end of this tunnel…it’s just that right now that light seems to be a train and I’m running head on into it…maybe i have to do this?
I did set a day tho that i plan on quiting everything “drinking, smoking” …the 1st of the year, after the holidays are over, after i deal with this emotional nightmare…I’m sorry I’m posting here before that day but i guess I’m just trying to reach out…that’s got to mean something…right?


Welcome back @Rikk. I’m very sorry to hear about your mother. It’s terrible.
I don’t really have any advice for you, but we’re here if you need to vent or talk. You can shoot me a message if you’d like too :slight_smile:

Good luck

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So sorry to hear about your Mother @Rikk i cant imagine how that feels like . I do think its a good thing you share your toughts and feelings . You do the right thing , you are here . Please try Stay strong and be kind to yourself. Hope it will get easier With time. Prayers for you .

You inspired me along with several others when I was first here. Sorry to hear about your mother. You have a lot to deal with my friend and you don’t need to deal with alcohol on top of that. I truly wish you well. You’ve got a sound logic in everything you say so be strong


Mums are special. I’m sorry you lost yours.
Just keep posting!
I like your avatar.

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I will keep you in my prayers… @Rikk I am so sorry for your loss my friend.

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Rick everyone has storms in their lives ive had many. My mom passed away couple years back thats when drugs and alcohol got involved . sometimes things happen that we cant understand or comprehend but everything happens for a reason.