Ozempic? Is it safe?

Does Ozempic help with sobriety? Let me know!

I suggest talking to your doctor about it. Most us here (if not all) are not qualified to give medication advice.

My husband was taking it strictly for weight loss when he first got sober and his dr mentioned it may help reduce his desire to drink. He was so committed to sobriety at that point that he couldn’t tell if it helped or not with the desire. He ended up changing medication after about 2 months because the weight wasn’t coming off quick enough and the side effects were too much.

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I normally only see it prescribed for weight loss. It may lessen the want to drink as a side effect but I wouldn’t bank on that. It’s like wellbutrin is for depression but sometimes can help people quit smoking cigs.

I agree about the doctor chat :blush:


I’m not a doc, nor do I play one on tv, but I do take Ozempic. I take it for my diabetes. It suppresses your appetite so it’s helped with binge eating. But I really don’t think it’s helped curb any alcohol cravings or played a part in my sobriety. That’s just my experience with it though. Good luck in your sober journey!