Panic attack right now

please help. Im shaking and my heart is racing.



And this one that was posted recently



If you can, go sit in the sunshine, or in a nice comfy spot with a warm cup of tea. Cuddle a pet, read a book, watch some comedy - I love looking up Stand-up on YouTube when I’m worried or panicking, it snaps me out of it and into some (much needed) laughter :heartpulse:

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Another good one is to cross you arms and rest your fingers in the front of your shoulders. Tap twice with your left fingers, then twice with your right. Now go back and forth, always tapping twice. If you can manage it, do some pacing while performing this. This will interfere with the signals of anxiety firing in your brain and block the signals going to the rest of your body. Most effective thing I ever learned in therapy. If you can add some of these breathing things in as well, even better. But start just standing and tapping.


Turn off the news! I have to remind myself not to get sucked in. If I don’t pay attention I get increasingly panicked as I watch. Take a break from social media. Put on music that calms you. I’m listening to Debussy’s Claire De Lune by the Prague Symphony Orchestra. Very relaxing. Drink hot tea. Light a candle. Read something you like.


How are you feeling @Socialaddict? Great advice was given and I’m curious if you’ve tried anything and what helps, if any.

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I love child’s pose for centering my mind.

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I can’t meditate. Im currently at a friends house so he helps me alot getting him to talk me out of it