Party People - I need advice on kicking my last bad habit

Hey so, I’m two months, seven days clear on alcohol and illegal highs. My confidence is at its peak. I go to a lot of parties and drinking events still but have enough fun in this new state that I don’t feel the need to drink nor rely on substances for artificial confidence anymore. Wicked. Rad.

My only remaining vice is smoking tobacco but natch, I want to quit that too because it’s ultimately dumb and pointless. So here’s what I need to know and I’m wondering if anyone has any relevant advice.

I use cigarette breaks as a timely excuse to avoid dead end conversations and lull periods of sitting on the couch, lounging out, when I’ve lost a drunk conversation thread. I also like fresh air when clubs get roasting. I’m worried if I quit cigarettes, I’m gonna be at a loss for those in-between periods and want to know how to handle that.

  1. How do I occupy those unavoidable lull periods when everyone else is hammered and you’re missing things?
  2. How do I excuse myself without hurting somebody’s feelings when conversation runs dry? I can talk all the BS in the world about myself but sometimes people are hella awkward to talk to when they offer the bare minimum. I don’t wanna be the guy filling in the void to avoid silence because that’s just as uncomfortable.

Anyone got any insight? It’d be mega appreciated. I plan to quit during the Christmas break, when I’ve got nada on. Thanks for reading.

I would definitely think about the patch or nicotine gun to initially help. They say 8 weeks of not smoking and using replacements is the recommendation.

You just got to change your habits, find a suitable replacement like a quick brisk walk or something such as a book. They also say it takes 9 weeks to create new habits.

Smoking has got to be one of the hardest things to quit, even more so than pot or alcohol. It took my up to 4 weeks to fight the urges, and after that it’s been a major mental challenge.

I’m at 54 days, and the last couple of weeks, cigarette smoke has started to smell horrible to me. Still mentally want the occasional cigarette, but it’s more than manageable.

@PatronSaint, I keep reading about the five D’s. Delay, distraction, drink water, deep breathe and discussion. A craving lasts approximately 15 min, if you can get through this time, it’ll pass. Distract yourself, do something else. You’d be surprised how much time you actually spend smoking. The cravings and thirst come from the same center in the brain. Your craving may actually be thirst. Deep breathe, more oxygen to the sensors and neurotransmitters in the brain. Discussion with people in like situations or even non smokers about the issue may very well dissuade you from lighting up. Read Allen Carr’s book on how to quit smoking. 111 pages of the corniest crap you’ll ever read but you’ll find yourself referencing it. I hope this helps.