Anger, frustration, numbness…these are negative emotions…like positive emotions they are triggered by thoughts…thoughts which arise from experiences…there is pain and discomfort attached to these emotions…pain and discomfort is to be embraced and accepted and moved through in the same way as joy, peace and excitement…nothing is permanent…today I am grateful for the pain and discomfort I have felt…may your day been filled with light and shade…love and growth…today I will sit with whatever emotions may come…I will let them pass through me like a waterfall flows over a cliff…I will not act on my addictions…I will appreciate all that I experience with gratitude and love…
Growing pains…also count as passing emotions…I am growing…I am experiencing pain…and joy…and a new passion for life…but today mostly numbness…this too shall pass…may your day be peaceful…pleasurable …passionate
…going to take some positive action…wonderful to be living now such that my mood is not the controlling factor in my chosen actions…