People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

In my country we call thes little plants “levende steentjes” (living stones). I had them sometimes but they always died :disappointed_relieved:

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That’s a pretty common name for them here as well.

You’re not alone in that, until this attempt I had stayed away from them for nearly 2 years because they’re so sensitive. My little joke is that if you sneeze in the same room as them at the wrong time of year, they’re over-watered.


Ha ha :rofl: Exactly!

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Been on a total plant bender lately.
I just say I’m doing my part to support local businesses.
Got these first 3 over the weekend.

Aloe erinacea
Shoutout to the cool rock I found to pair with it

Euphorbia ammak variegata
I have a standard e. ammak (dark green), but the variegated ones are just so cool. They are often marbled in appearance, which this one has spots of, but ultimately it’s nearly completely white/very light green. Couldn’t say no.

Haworthia reticulata

One of my lithops arrangements also began blooming

Really proud of this photo in particular

Lastly, there was a neighborhood plant swap in my 'hood on Saturday morning. I brought 13 or 14 plants to give away.
Mine were all gone in 15 minutes, lol. Several went to kids, which is pretty cool. Felt good to spread some joy (and, perhaps selfishly, to free up some real estate in my greenhouse, heh)

EDIT to say - the one in the middle in this photo is NOT La Gordita. I’d never let her go. Same species of plant, but a lesser specimen.


It’s so nice to see your plants again! They are beautiful as always and I’m glad you added the edit cause I was totally gonna ask :laughing:

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Thelocactus Rinconsensis Freudenbergeri

Not new, got it about a year/year and a half ago. Wasn’t coming out of winter dormancy so I repotted it in…August?
Now it’s waking up and sporting new growth…but will just go right back into dormancy shortly, lol. Just means she has a head start on next growing season.

Another “new pot, who dis?”
Aloe “Raspberry Ruffles” (does not have a Latin name as it was created in cultivation, not a naturally-occuring plant).
Started off as one plant a year ago, has grown into multiple offsets with super vibrant color. Repotted this weekend into the cool pot I got for free out of the plant swap last weekend. Needed something blue-ish to look good in this pot, think it works great.

This one is new.
Fenestraria Rhopalophylla - “Baby Toes”
I have stayed away from these for my entire 10 years or so growing plants. They’ve a reputation for being very temperamental, but I caved and decided to give 'em a whirl. Too cool not too.
Got this awesome bowl from a local antique mall and drilled a few holes in the bottom.



I really love your collection, I can imagine it would be lovely to see in person! Like a specialist botanical garden :house_with_garden:


If you ever find yourself in southern Arizona, admission is free! :joy:


Hi Kate,

Welcome, post some of your green babies if you want.

I’m the one with only green fingertips, on one hand, sometimes :triumph:

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Love your sansevieria and your little aloes!

My first attempt at Hydroponic herb growing update

Seeds planted oct 23…so a lil more than 5 weeks

Cilantro and basil are growing like crazy

Watched a youtube and harvested a few nodes of basil for dinner tonight!


Did some things with haworthias this weekend

And my melocactus azureus flaunting plenty of new growth


Conophytum ficiforme

My 2nd species of conos


My first cilantro harvest!!


ooh that looks so healthy and beautiful :yum:

I wanted to add to this -

Along with my collection being available for viewing free-of-charge lol, I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned that I live just a few blocks from the city botanical gardens. I’ve been there 3 or 4 times, it’s incredible. I haven’t been in a year or maybe more, I’ll visit soon and share some pics here if people are interested. I can easily walk there, especially now that it’s not 100°f+ every day.

I think I might actually get in there for free now, or at least a reduced admission fee, since my house is in the neighborhood (the part of town that I live in is named after the fact that we surround the botanical gardens).


very interested! would love to see your pics when you do get a chance to visit.





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