People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)



Frithia pulchra bloomed


Somewhere something sprouted wings at this incantation. Latin rules.


Love my prayer :potted_plant: plant


Now that I’m done getting the shit stabbed out of my hands :sweat_smile:

Found this awesome lava pot a few weeks ago, took some time to think about what to put in it. I wanted to choose something I could eventually move outdoors and have it be a feature in my yard.

So, I went with my agave potatorum.
And she had 3 babies hiding under there. So now I have 4 of them, lol.

Will keep her in the greenhouse for this growing season as she settles into her new home, then out into the yard come next winter.


Good choice! Looks beautiful

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Another repot.
Now that I’ve been here a few years, several of my plants are due - so there will likely be similar posts throughout the next few weeks as I chip away at it before growing season really starts.

I was shitting bricks the whole time with this one. Thankfully it’s new home is big enough to be its “forever pot”. Tephrocactus geometricus. My most expensive and one of my slowest growers - 2 to 3 new segments per summer, maximum. I’m already 2 years in.

I went into this convinced I’d break at least one. Hoping I didn’t disrupt this year’s growth :crossed_fingers:

Some other happenings (again, there will be a lot of this…springtime and whatnot)


All so very pretty :heart:

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200w (1)

I’m really excited about the flower bud in the last one. That one has never flowered, and the blooms are supposed to be fantastic


Pass me the popcorn, will ya?
And should you ever be in the mood to share some shots of your yard/greenhouse/whereever these beauties live, I’d have a blast :grin:


I hate doing the neccesary repotting :hugs: With the cactea I always end up looking like a cactea myself, lol.
Love yours though! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It’s beautiful! And the pot too, it looks like it grew right on the soil. Your aesthetic is so organic; I love it. Is the agave pretty slow-growing? It seems right on size for the pot.

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Click on TMAC’s avatar and there’s a button that’s says “367 posts in this topic” - click on that and scroll to your heart’s delight! He’s posted several photos of the space and it’s awesome! But I’m sure we could use an update @TMAC if and when you have some!


How am I EVER going to get out of that rabbit hole :astonished: :grin:


:rofl::rofl::rofl: :cactus::desert::cactus: I love it!


Thank you for saying so! Definitely going for that on the most recent re-pot specifically…I liked the white stones with the turquoise square pot, but it’s not the look I generally go for these days.

I’ve actually been considering starting a side hustle to make and sell arrangements, similar to what I make for myself. Just thinking about it. I do know I’d keep it local, mail seems like a nightmare and no way anything would get to its destination unjostled. I’d be able to get plants wholesale from a friend. Just not sure where I’d do it - farmers market or something, maybe. There’s a lot of little events like that around town.

re: the agave, it’s middle of the pack as far as growth speed. But it will be able to live in that pot for a good long while.


That agave is a bastard. It’s not even the big spikes, it’s the little hook-type ones on the sides of the leaves. The tips break off and get stuck under your skin.


I got another fly trap to kill. Over the years I’ve killed about a dozen of these things. This one already looks sad so my job is half done. Kidding aside, I really do like these things but I have such bad luck with them. Any helpful suggestions are welcome.




2 years of growth, not bad for a random Wal-Mart salvage!

I love these guys. Melocactus azureus. Endemic to Bahia province, Brazil.
Hesitant to repot as they take a good while to settle in and take root. They’re pretty robust growers though.

This pot should be large enough to be it’s forever pot, or close to it.
Happy with the results, love the pot. Just don’t love the new red lava rock they’re selling at this one spot. Same bag and all, so I hadn’t noticed - but this is more like rust-colored.
Can always change it out.

Feb 2022
